
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tools of the Trade 2: Organizer

  So, I admit it, I'm a bit OCD when it comes to organizing my tools and workbench.  Ok, Alot OCD.  So I saw this organizer from a firm called HobbyZone in Poland.  It looked SWEET, so I looked into ordering one.  Nice price, only $47, but he shipping was another $46.  Yeeegads.  Somehow, I just couldn't justify that.  But it does look sweet...

  Further searching took me to Micro-Mark, my all around go-to guys for cool tools and such.  They have an organizer there that looks remarkably similar the Hobby Zone model.  So I ordered one.

  Well, it got here the other day, and I have to say, I am not totally impressed.  The one from HobbyZone sure looks alot more well constructed.  This one is not bad at all, but the finish is wonky, looks like a slap together job.  I had to tighten every knob on the drawers, they were loose to the point of falling out.

  But... once tightened, the whole unit was not that bad.  I am thinking about spray painting it, or maybe even staining it, not sure.  But it will surely do what I will ask of it.  It's not all that big too, so it fits nicely on the hobby desk.

  I am going to have to drill out the holes on the tool holder, way to small for most tools.  It is convenient and I'll bet that after a paint job, it will do just fine.  It's solid other than the knobs I related already.  The drawers are small, but they hold most of the clutter that seems to build up on a hobby desk.  I don't use much stuff that is on spools, so that section is kind of useless.  I may have to make a drawer to go into the area instead of the spool hanger.

  Some close up images follow...

  So, all in all, I don't feel ripped off.  I think the HobbyZone version looks and might even work better.  Certainly the pictures would indicate that.  But I am not going to claim foul on this one.  If you need an organizer, this one will do.


  1. Looks nice. Is it made out of wood or MDF? The pics look like wood which is rare these days.

    1. It's made out of wood, solid too, not plywood or MDF. Has a definite "sturdy" feel to it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Please feel free to leave comments, positive or negative. I am a big boy, I can handle it. Thanks for your thoughts, always much appreciated.