
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quick tip (egg crates) and Craft Finds!

  Hey guys,  Just a quick tip that I'm sure everyone knows, but I don't see a lot about.  When building squads of figures, I very often leave a lot of poieces off to make painting easier.  Keeping trak of all those spare bits (shoulder pads, weapons, backpacks etc) used to a pain, then I discovered egg cartons.

  Here in the states, our eggs come mostly in these cheap styrofoam (compressed, not beaded) cartons that are just great for 10 man squads.  We can also get 18 packs of eggs that have even more room.  These aren't that handy if you build and paint right away, but if you're like me, projects seem to drag on sometimes :)  Let the pictures speak...
All the squad members fit in the holes and the bases can go into they're own hole.  Makes finding all the parts easy!
In the hole is the shoulders, guns, and any flashy bits (grenades, purity seals etc) that I have for that guy.

I also managed to brave the local craft store (Hobby Lobby) and found some great sales today.  Check these out...
2 pack texture mats for making cakes.  Cooks use this for Fondant for cakes to texture it, we can use it to make a ton of bases.  This could also be used for molding floor textures and lots of stuff.  Super cheap too

Again, Some very cool texture molds for Green stuff or putty or whatever your basing weapon of choice is.
  So, that's it for today!  Hope everyone had a great holiday!  See ya soon!

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